Britton Electronics & Automation offers the following networking services:

- Network Administration
- Computer Services
- Microsoft Certified
- Cisco Certified
Differences between, general IT and industrial networks.
Most general IT network systems are climate controlled locked away in a data center. On the other hand, most industrial networks are on the plant floor, dealing with dust, and hazardous environments. the life span of equipment is much different also. Most datacenter networking hardware are cycled out around 4 yrs of age. The equipment used on industrial networks are expected to last on average 10 yrs.
This differnce in thought process is often not taken into consideration when developing industrial networks.
Each general IT and industrial security solutions vary because each system has different:
- reliability goals
- risk management requirments
- security requirements
The different thought process about security are often incompatible with each other.
We at Britton Electronics & Automation, Inc. can design and build the network that fits the need of each enviroment.
Get started on working smarter today.
Phone: 309-353-5376